Free Downloadable Resources

From time to time, parents are faced with the very difficult task of helping their children cope with very difficult times.  In recent years, kids in our country have been impacted by the power outages and hardships experienced during and as a result of natural disasters such as Storm Sandy and the devastation experienced across the country as a result of tragedies such as the mass school shooting in Connecticut.  And, at any given time, individual families may be dealing with the death of a family member or other hardships.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has distributed handouts for parents and others who care for children to help during these times.  Please click on the links below to view this helpful information to support children during these times.  If you have questions or need further help, please give us a call at 304.636.9450.


Handouts related to school shootings, disasters, and grief

  • After the Shooting – Helping Young Children Heal:  click here
  • Guiding Adults in Talking to Children about Death and Attending Services:  click here
  • Restoring a Sense of Safety in the Aftermath of a Mass Shooting:  click here
  • Parent Tips for Helping Preschool-Age Children after Disasters:  click here
  • Parent Tips for Helping School-Age Children after Disasters:  click here

Handouts for activities to occupy and entertain kids during power outages

  • Activities with No Supplies Needed: click here
  • Activities that Require Limited Supplies for Daytime or Lighted Areas:  click here
  • Activities that Require Limited Supplies for Nighttime or Dark Areas:  click here